Wednesday, October 22, 2008

27 Weeks, end of 2nd trimester!

This is the last official week of the second trimester, next week will begin the last 3 months of the pregnancy! I'm so anxious/excited for Baby Cauds to be here! I had a Dr. appt. yesterday. Measuring 27 cm for 27 weeks which is exactly what it should be. I'm not measuring big which has my hopes up that I will break the huge baby cycle. The child will probably be long though.....look at the father! The heart rate was 150bpm, so nice and strong and I didn't gain any weight in 2 weeks, that is a first! I did my glucose test which consisted of drinking a bottle of what amounted to flat orange soda and waiting an hour to have my blood drawn. The test checks for gestational diabetes and anemia. I'll let everyone know if I pass, so please keep your fingers crossed that my body processes sugar well! I was hoping for an ultrasound this time since we haven't had any pictures of the baby since Aug., but no such luck. That's all for now!