Wednesday, December 31, 2008

37 weeks and 2 days

Here is the picture of my full term belly!

Doctor update

I went to the doctor yesterday and everything went really well. I passed my 3hr gestational diabetes test which is awesome! I didn't gain any weight from last week thank goodness! The doctor checked and basically told me that the baby isn't going to makes it's appearance anytime soon, sorry Mom. However, I have been having more random back/stomach cramps and tightening of the stomach, or contractions if you prefer, so at least SOMETHING is happening. The baby's heart rate was at 150 bpm, so no scare there like last week. I go back next Tuesday and maybe I'll have made some progress, I'll let everyone know!

37 week belly pic to come....

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Take the Poll!

We put a poll up on the left-hand side of the blog. We want to know what everyone thinks. Is it going to be a boy or girl?!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Doctor updates and a new photo

I went to the doctor on Tuesday and needless to say it was a crazy mess. I got my 1 hour glucose test results back and the number was elevated so today I had to take the 3 hour glucose test and hopefully next week we will know for sure if I have gestational diabetes and how severe the case is. The baby's heart rate was also elevated yesterday and I had to do an NST, or stress test, for 15 min to make sure the babies heart rate came down. It did the second I got on the monitor and stayed around 160 bpm the whole time, so that was good. We got an ultrasound finally! The baby is weighing around 6.7 pounds, give or take a pound, which is about a week ahead. The doctor said that is good and that the baby won't be huge! Thank you, I broke my Mom's huge baby curse! However, when he measured the head it's measuring 9 cm, which is considered full term. I would definitely say that is my gigantic head, and I need to give a shout out to my Dad for giving me that head! I'm going to the doctor again on Tuesday and will let you know how that goes!

The picture below is a frontal view of the face!

The new baby proof coffee table!

So we decided that having a giant piece of glass with sharp edges was not quite the ideal coffee table for a child to be around so we got a new one made of solid wood and rounded edges!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Almost Done

Here are some pictures of the baby's room. We finally finished everything. All we are missing now is the rocking chair and the foot stool. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas is here!

I'm so excited we got our Christmas decorations put up! It's a small display, but I think it's really cute. We got stockings for Chris, myself, and the dogs. Susan got us the tree, lights, and the ornaments are from Chris' Mom's family and they were made in 1967. They are really beautiful. We've got most of our presents wrapped already just a few more to do and then we will be done! I just need a little self-control to make it to Christmas day without opening them!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving....Oklahoma Style

I got to go home for Thanksgiving and it was wonderful! Nice cold weather and excellent food. I'm happy I got to see my family since I don't get to go home that often. I miss everyone and hopefully I'll see everyone soon.....with a new addition of course!

Dallas Baby Shower

Here are some pictures from the Dallas baby shower. Thank you Allison, Kayla and Vy for the wonderful shower. I really had a lot of fun and was really happy everyone came!

Houston Baby Shower

Finally I have pics up from the Houston shower! We were so happy everyone came and celebrated with us. We are especially grateful to Susan, Julie and Michael for giving us the wonderful shower. We really enjoyed ourselves and hope everyone else did as well!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We just wanted to thank everyone so much for both of the baby showers! They were wonderful and we appreciated them so much! I'll post pictures soon.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our First Baby Purchases!

So up until now the only baby items we have were either bought for us or given to us. And thank you everyone for that! Yesterday, Chris and I bought our first baby items for the baby. We went into a kids/baby store in Sugar Land and were just browsing when all of a sudden Chris found a onesie he could not live without. It's cream colored and has a picture of a sunshine on it and the words read "you are my sunshine". It is so cute! I found a soft, fuzzy book about a monkey. I've been wanting to get one of these so that the baby can play with it when they are little. It's really cute! Below is a picture of the items we purchased.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I went to the doctor this morning for another quick checkup. I measured 29 cm for 29 weeks and the heart rate was 150bpm, so all is good in that department. Also, I passed my glucose test which means I don't have gestational diabetes or anemia! The doctor said that it will just be normal two week checkups until about 35 weeks when I start going every week. I'm also very excited because today is election day! I voted this morning and it only took 30 min, which is good. I love watching the returns so tonight will be fun and hopefully with a good outcome, although my husband would disagree with me on what a good outcome entails! That's all for today, everyone go vote!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Third Trimester/Holy Cow I'm Huge

In honor of reaching the third trimester I have a new picture. I thought it would be fun to see the difference in size compared to the first picture I took at 10 weeks. I am huge and it's only going to get bigger although I don't see how that's physically possible. Only three months left!

10 weeks

28 weeks

Pumpkin Carving and the Renaissance Festival

Last weekend was completely full. On Friday we went to Kevin and Sara's house and carved pumpkins. Kevin always carves the pumpkins with the kids names and Sara and I carved cool designs. It was a lot of fun! On Saturday we drove an hour and a half to the Texas Renaissance Festival, which was out in the middle of nowhere. They had an entire village of shops and theaters that sold everything from pottery to clothes and tacos to fish and chips. We enjoyed a juggling/comedy show that was really funny. We ate funnel cake and ended up buying a really cute wooden sunflower paper towel holder that you hang on the wall. It was a really nice weekend getting to spend some quality time with Chris!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

27 Weeks, end of 2nd trimester!

This is the last official week of the second trimester, next week will begin the last 3 months of the pregnancy! I'm so anxious/excited for Baby Cauds to be here! I had a Dr. appt. yesterday. Measuring 27 cm for 27 weeks which is exactly what it should be. I'm not measuring big which has my hopes up that I will break the huge baby cycle. The child will probably be long though.....look at the father! The heart rate was 150bpm, so nice and strong and I didn't gain any weight in 2 weeks, that is a first! I did my glucose test which consisted of drinking a bottle of what amounted to flat orange soda and waiting an hour to have my blood drawn. The test checks for gestational diabetes and anemia. I'll let everyone know if I pass, so please keep your fingers crossed that my body processes sugar well! I was hoping for an ultrasound this time since we haven't had any pictures of the baby since Aug., but no such luck. That's all for now!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

25 week update

Just a regular checkup today, nothing fancy and no new pictures. I'm continually gaining weight which is mildly traumatizing. The baby's heart rate is at a healthy 150bpm and it sure was squirmy this morning. It took the doctor 5 min to catch the heart beat. As a note to myself, do not eat sugary breakfast cereal before visiting the doctor because you will test positive for sugar, which you are not supposed to, awesome. My next visit is in 2 weeks, and all my visits will be two weeks apart from now on until we get closer to Jan 19th. At my next visit I get to drink some really nasty drink and have blood drawn to test for gestational diabetes and anemia, woo hoo! A new development in baby's movement. On special occasion you can see what I can only describe as a growth appear magically on one side of my stomach which I have decided is the baby's head poking out when it shifts positions, it's pretty cool to see! Oh and we finally registered for baby stuff at Babies R Us, we ended up with 55 items and the lady next to me had like 180 on her registry. I have no idea how you can possibly pick out 180 things. I think we got most of our bases covered, but apparently I'm mistaken and missing 125 things? I really have no idea. I mean we didn't register for any diaper stuff, because we are choosing to go the cloth route, and we already have some big items, thanks to Mommy and Daddy, and we didn't register for clothes because we don't know the sex, so maybe that's what I'm missing? Who knows really. And one last thing, this week apparently the baby finally has a hair everyone cross their fingers it's red!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

24 Weeks!

Picture update....bigger? I think so.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Baby Update

I went to the doctor yesterday after they got power back on and had my checkup. I'm still gaining weight, which I know is good, but good lord people I'm a hefty load now! Anyway, the baby's heart rate is between 150bpm-160bpm which is completely normal. I have been having this groin pain lately and the doctor said it's just round ligament pain from my uterus growing, good, but it makes it increasingly difficult to put pants on because it hurts to stand on one leg! I'm going back to the doctor on Oct. 7th for another checkup so I'll have another update then.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our first hurricane

There aren't that many pictures because my camera ran out of battery, but I wanted to post some pictures from the first hurricane for me and the baby. Chris went through one when he was a few months old so it was kind of his first hurricane too. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the aftermath, just the calm before the storm. We survived with little damage. Our living room got some water in it and we are drying out the carpet. Our huge tree in our front yard lost a lot of big limbs which now line the front of our yard and we lost a few shingles that Chris can replace. Thankfully our water never went off, although I'm not sure we were supposed to be using it, but our electricity went out about 6pm on Friday and we have yet to get it back, hopefully soon! It's been cool enough lately to be very comfortable without A/C and hopefully it will stay this way. I have never experienced anything like this before it's like living in some alternate universe but at least we are okay!